Nelson Education > School > Mathematics K-8 > Mathematics 3 > Student Centre > Web Quests

Web Quests





Patterns are found all around our homes. Many companies create patterns that are then placed on wallpaper to decorate our rooms, on clothing, on wrapping paper and on just about anything else you can think of. Can you imagine having a job where you create interesting patterns everyday?


You have been hired by a wallpaper company to create some interesting geometry patterns for their new children's room wallpaper border.   A border is a narrow strip of wallpaper that sometimes goes across the top of a wall. The company boss likes the shapes found in the pattern block set and would like you to design at least 3 different patterns using these shapes.


  1. Explore the Pattern Block website. Find out how it is designed to let you make a pattern block pattern.
  2. Complete some of the activities that are found at the Pattern Block site.
  3. Make at least 3 patterns that could be used as wallpaper borders.
  4. Save or print your patterns.
    Save the picture to a file (Windows File | Save As ).

    Use your PrintScreen button ( Alt/PrintScrn works best in Windows) to make a copy. Then open a graphics program (Windows Start | Programs | Accessories | Paint ) or Appleworks and paste the picture into a new file. Print the file.
  5. Write a description of how to make the pattern for the company designers.



Pattern Block



Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Level 4

Pattern Creativity

•  My patterns are similar in number, colour and shape.

•  My patterns use colour and shape.

•  They are usually simple ABABAB type patterns.

•  My patterns use several attributes in an interesting way.

•  I have several different patterns.

•  My patterns use many attributes in a creative way.

Pattern Quality

•  My patterns have several errors.

•  My patterns have a few errors.

•  My patterns are correctly created.

•  My patterns are complicated and have no errors.

Explanation/ Description

•  I describe the patterns.

•  I describe the patterns and tell how they were made.

•  I clearly tell how the patterns were made and give some other facts.

•  I clearly give the reader many interesting details about the patterns.
